Transport Help

Now I've done it. I went and picked a used Aragon D2A which has imporved the sound but now I'm told my Rotel 970 is not the best as a transport. So now I'm looking for a good used transport for around $500. Any recommendations? Is there a difference in newer technology? Should a guy strech the budget to get something that much better? Any help is appreciated.
Theta Basic Transport,they go for anywhere fror $400-$600 used and a very good transport.
Try a Muse Model Five which goes for about $500-$800 used. It is an attractive, solidly built, musical transport. I am running one in I2S mode with its companion DAC, the Muse Model Two Plus. It is a formidable combo!
I can't imagine that the Rotel 970 would be "bad" as a transport. I thought it made a pretty good stand alone player when I auditioned it anyway. I use a CAL player as a transport with a Bel Canto DAC which sounds good to me. I borrowed a Meridian 506.24 player out of curiosity as to what the improvement would be (with my DAC) and the only difference that I could hear was "maybe" a little fuller bass and could not tell any difference in the mids and highs. I don't have very much experience in this area, but this little exercise made me content with what I have for now. I have decided to wait and see if SACD takes off before I look for another player/transport. Perhaps you could borrow a better (or more highly regarded) player or transport and see what difference it does make in your system before you lay down your money? Sorry that this really doesn't answer you question, but I was very surprised at the lack of sonic difference between the units when they were used as a transports only. The Bel Canto is supposed to reduce Jitter on its own, so maybe this could partly explain the close call.
How about the best transport ur money can buy. Check it out!