Another glowing reveiw of sony 9000es

There's another glowing reveiw of the sony 9000es at It is hinted that the 9000es may have better extension than the 777 or sa1.
i love my 9000 use with a 360s for cd too .out of the box was better than my 39 i dont care what any bodysays i heard it. sacd is very smooth and dynamics are awesome if you have a system that can handle it. i would like a little more upper detail but that might be me not fully appreciating the deep bass sacd system of ml statements2 plus fpb600c and vtl1250 bring out anything there. sorry for swaying from the subject just tired of everybody always having a negative opinion, who cares, what matters is yourself enjoy your system . no one hears exactly the same.
This month's The Perfect Vision, the HT sister of The Absolute Sound, reviewed the S9000ES in this month's issue. Again, a glowing review. The review is not online.
To Ears, et al. :
I own the Sony SCD-1. I also own the 9000ES which I purchased for a HT based system.

The 9000ES is a very good SACD player, fine Red Book player and a super DVD player. However, It is surpassed, easily, by the SCD-1 in terms of musicality and any musical parameter you may use for comparison.

Ears, that's it. You may not like it, but in my system, it does not measure up to the SCD-1.

Ears, get a life, do not continue to send insults to my email address. If you continue I will refer the matter to Audiogon!!!!!
gmorris, the toppic is the 777 not the scd1,you must be blind as well as deaf.