I need the more better digital

I've listened to a lot of stuff out there, like all the Krell's Levinsons, Classe's, and Wadia's and I'm not impressed. What is more detailed and lifelife and smoother out there? I heard that the Spectral Digital front end is good, what else is there? Has anyone heard Goldmunds Digital?
Red book spec digital cannot provide you with what you are seeking. My advice is to go with a SACD player. The lack of music is a serious problem, but the sound quality is reputed to be better than any available red book playback. My experience with SACD is that it's equal to my RPM/Benz/JRDG analog rig.
The Theta Pro GenV, while not as good as the DCS, is certainly more affordable. If you want smooth, then try listening to a Bel Canto dac. It is not the last word in resolution, but if you hook it up to a good transport like a CEC, with a jitter reduction device, it sounds pretty smooth. It is also really cheap.
Didn't like Krell, Classe, or Wadia? Are you sure you like digital at all or is the price/performance of those high dollar pieces vs the more real world, say maybe 1-2k range of players the issue? Maybe the SACD format will float your boat a little more, kind of limited on the software right now though.