How Much To Rival Good Digital Playback

I would like some opinions as to how much one would have to spend to buy a turntable/cart system that would rival good digital playback. Any ideas as to what that price point is and the equipment that would do it?
Inna, your comments apply to belt drive only. Spending 1K on a KAB modded 1200 will get you awesome bass. Got to hear it to believe it...
Psychicanimal, the 1200 will only get you awesome mid-bass, lots of it, will little refinement.
So thats whats going on...duh. Every time I hear a turntable now, doing a sole piano, it sounds out of tune to varying degrees depending on the quality of the table. With a full band playing it of course is not really noticable. At least not with a few drinks.

My ears must have become accustomed to the pitch accuracy of digital such that now I can hear pitch errors that I never noticed in my youth. Same with surface noise, I never paid it much mind way back then but now if the record is not really clean it ruins the enjoyment. Thank goodness for the record-cleaning machines.
RPL, I said that about pitch in an earlier post in this thread:

The people that push for analog, even with cheap rigs, ALWAYS omit the fact that digital has PERFECT pitch. I can infer that they can't hear differences in pitch...