Decision Time: Zu Wax or Z Passion spkr. cables

About 2 weeks ago I started a thread re: speaker cables.
I have narrowed my choices to the above 2.
I realize that both co.'s offer try before you buy, but your input would certainly help with my first choice.
If anyone out there has had good or bad experience with these cables, I would love to hear from you.
Presently using Nordost Blue Heaven Rev. 11 bi-wire 14ft.
Many Thanks!
Tim, be patient with the burn in time. About the fourth day they tend to have a tipped -up voice that is borderline edgy, so don't give up too early. After about the 10th day, the Wax really come into their own, even though after about a week they start to sound pretty nice. Don't expect euphonic colorations. These babies are pure neutral. They may or may not be synergistic with your system, but if the rest of your system is sounding pure and natural, the Wax will accomodate things quite well. Let us know what you think after a while.
Thanks for the tips Sherod, I have all sorts of new toys to break in now! got new interconnects, new CD player and now new speaker cables and they are all going to show up close to the same time!! may be interesting. I am really curious about these cables I am currently using Cardas Golden Reference speaker cables, have used Cardas Golden Cross and a custom made internal bi-wire Tekline cable(my favorite). I didn't want to buy much this year so I am off to a horrible start. I was planning on using these as temporary cables but it sounds like I may not want to change them, time will tell-I will keep everyone posted. ~Tim
I am thinking of the Wax vs the Julian, the Julian are so much more affordable. Please let me know if the Wax is worth the $$$ upgrade?
I sold my wax and haven't looked back- they were ok but I think you can find better for the money- for just a little bit more the audience au24 seems to be a great buy, but then again they are more used then the WAX is new. It may be worth it though, it would keep you off the upgrade path for a little while possibly for ever depending how crazy you want to go. I don't use the audience either but if I was looking for a good value cable, that's would I would audition.
Tireguy, so, what are you using now? and what is your set up? I have a Classe CAP-80 intergrated, and running Meadowlark Shearwaters.