SACD Dominates Recommended List

Stereophile just placed 4 CD players in it's top-rated A-Plus Recommendation List. Three were SACD players: the Marantz SA-1, Sony SCD-1, and Sony 777ES. The fourth was a $15,000 Meridian.
Audioasylum's URL is and not
I also checked with There's no one there that mentioned buying a Marantz for $4,000. I have seen several messages in the past two months about people buying or thinking about buying a Marantz for around $4,000.
Tommart, you will not be able to get the Marantz SA-1 for $4000 or less here in the United States. The dealer's invoice price is about $4150 to $4200. A while ago an Audiogon member TopKatt posted a question in the forum about whether to get a Marantz SA-1 or a Sony SCD-1. I e-mailed him regarding the name of that dealer. He told me that he is getting the Marantz for $4100 from a personal friend of his who is a Marantz dealer. His friend sold that to him as a favor. He declined to reveal to me the name of that dealer. I saw a couple people selling their Marantz SA-1 for $4500 to $4800 in this website.
Sony has a history of coming out with great technology that eventually dies, because they do not like to share it. For example think Betamax. Apple made the same mistake with the McIntosh operating system and lost a 10 year head start they had over Microsoft.
Both companies also have had some pretty stellar successes, does no one remember those?
I know more than a few people who have owned SACD players and ended up selling them. They did this after they raved about them and tried to get everyone else to buy one. As for me, i'll wait it out until they have a disc or two that i'd like to own available on SACD. Right now, i find the choices pretty limited. Sean