SACD Dominates Recommended List

Stereophile just placed 4 CD players in it's top-rated A-Plus Recommendation List. Three were SACD players: the Marantz SA-1, Sony SCD-1, and Sony 777ES. The fourth was a $15,000 Meridian.
Both companies also have had some pretty stellar successes, does no one remember those?
I know more than a few people who have owned SACD players and ended up selling them. They did this after they raved about them and tried to get everyone else to buy one. As for me, i'll wait it out until they have a disc or two that i'd like to own available on SACD. Right now, i find the choices pretty limited. Sean
Sugarbrie, You got a good point, but.....
I would not use Microsoft as an example of someone who shares technology with others. It was IBM who created the IBM-PC and opened it to third parties and beat Apple. Intel and Microsoft keep the technology to themseleves as any user of Linux, OS/2, Java, AMD, and Cyrix will attest. Sony is following the Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, and Apple models -- unfortunately.
As has already been said, the only people who profit from the experience of others are biographers. That notwithstanding, here is my experience. I got a 777es as a birthday present( OK, to myself, but that's irrelevent), on A'gon, for what I consider a great deal. I hooked it up and thought it sounded very good, red book and SACD.In fact, it sounded as good as my then digital configuration of Theta Jade to dCS Delius/Purcell 24/192 upsampled. So, I used the Sony as a transport to the dCS, and with the flip of a switch could A/B the Sony redbook with the dCS upsampled.I did this over a Fri-Sun, with a couple of buddies, blindly. We each thought the Sony not only sounded as good, but actually better than the upsampled 12K worth of dCS gear. On redbook. The SACD was even better, not as good as vinyl IMOP, although I know there are those that would argue. I knew the SACD would be good, I'd heard it before, but the early critiques of the redbook playback of these units I find completely unfounded. Now, there may be better sounding units out there, I've not heard the Dodson or Entec # Cruncher, but I've heard the top end ML, Wadia and some others, and I just don't hear them as being any better. Forget that the unit is a steal, particularly on A'gon, where units are going for $1500-1600 lately. The fact is, it sounds phenomenal, and not just SACD. To me it was a no brainer: 1 piece, 1 PC, 0 Digi cable, tank build quality unit that sounds AT LEAST as good as 15K of transport/upsampler/DAC, or the latter. I sold the dCS, and the 777 is being modified as we speak by Richard Smith at Audience. Total price for what I paid for the unit and modification will be right around what a decent transport alone cost. Although not ubiquitous, there are bargains in this hobby, my experience is that this is one of them. Period. And I mean bargain, not trade-off . You may or may not agree, but that's my story and I'm stickin to it! Thanx to the above posts, I always learn something on this site. Happy listening.

Which upgrade are you doing at Audience? The $1640 Cabledriver upgrade or the $450 upgrade? These prices do not include the their cord. Thanks