Which worse- long I/C of speaker run

Musical Fidelity had their new M250 power block amplifiers. Their pitch goes that the amp is close to the load (speaker) so to "give the amplifier excellent damping".

But this will require long 2-12 foot runs of I/C. So which is worse? Long runs of speaker cable or interconects? Will the delicate low level signal be losing information with a long I/C.

I would think the preamp would require full balanced outputs (preferably all the way through the preamp - Mike Creek was displaying such a preamp) to prevent signal loss.
Any thoughts? Thanks
A 12 foot run of interconnect from preamp to power amp should not present a problem, even if single-ended rather than balanced. As a general rule, short speaker cables and longer preamp-to-power amp connections are usually preferable to the other way around.
Last fall I went from 4 ft. ICs to the same brand and Model of ICs that were 15 ft. long. At the same time I decreased speaker cable runs from 14 ft. to 6 ft. It was my experience that music quality actually improved by doing this-- it sounds more live, more realistic, and very nice. Good Luck. Craig
I agree with SDcampbell. If the interconnect runs need to be long, you are most likely better served if you are using opportunity for signal loss.