CEC - how are they these days?

I am in the market for CD transport in the price range of within $3K. There are lots of candidates, and I found out that CEC at least used to make good transports. I checked their website to find out there is no mention of US distribution. I am wondering whether someone out there own or have experience with CEC's newest lines, specifically TL 2 or 51, and what you think about them. Any comment or information about products or dealer in US is highly appreciated. Ken
ken: if you want a "pure" cd transport for <$3k, i highly recommend your looking at the accuphase dp-90 (original msrp, $7.5k). I use one in my digital system and won't get rid of it unless and until sacd or dvd-a comes of age. the accuphase is built like a tank, sounds wonderful and can be found here on AudiogoN. moreover, no problems with accuphase being on the edge of financial disaster, or over it. -kelly
$3K will buy you a used CEC TL-1x which is excellent. Or spned a lttel more and get a used Forsell which is very musical. Can't go wrong with either of these. The Forsell sounds a little more musical but the CEC is easier to operate and less obtrusive. Cheers
Ken...I have owned a CEC TL 2 for over a year now. Prior to that I was using an Accuphase DP-65 as a transport with my Audio Logic DAC. The Accuphase is a beautiful piece and I thought it was excellent as a transport. However, since I didn't care for its sound as a CD player I decided to sell it and try the TL 2 which I had heard really great things about (and I bought it for about half of what I sold the DP-65 for). I really didn't expect to hear that much difference as I'd never heard big differences in the transports that I'd owned. The TL 2 is in a whole different league than the Accuphase DP-65 (I have not heard the DP-90 that Kelly mentions above, but have heard good things about it too)or anything else I've tried and the build quality is as good as anything out there. I believe that Parasound is the importer for CEC.