Comments requested - Wadia 831 CD Player

Any comments on the new Wadia 831 CD Player?
Is there some reason that other CD players don't interest you, Hgeifman? E-mail me, and we could discuss it.
Just called my local dealer today, they still don't have the 301 and 861. The 861 was supposed to be in 'good supply by late March' (Wadia rep's own words) and the 301 was supposed to be released in June. I emailed Wadia a couple of times, every time it took them at least 10 days to reply. Sometimes I wonder whether that company is still interested in doing business...... Today's call is probably my last one, as I am 95% sure I'll go for a Sony or Marantz SACD player instead.
I think your dealer is the problem Lee, as even in France / Europe we have 861s in stock. Dont know about the 301 though....
One more time. Any comments on the new Wadia 831 CD Player? I am still waiting for my local Retailer to get one on stock. Thanks..
I've having the same problem getting any info on this player other than the web site. I called the company a couple of times, was blown off, and finally got a phone call returned after being rather terse in my last message. My feeling is there is a lot of interest in this product, and the company is currently overwhelmed and unable to deliver. Hopefully they will staff up to meet demand, but perhaps they are being cautious after almost going under months ago. At any rate, this player looks very promising at its price point. e-mail me if you learn anything and get to listen to it.