Teres update

OK. Heres where I'm at now:

Chris is sending the motor, bearing and platter today.

I have the arm.

I have the wood.

I bought batteries for my digital camera.

I set up a page to post pics.

I got rid of the family members whom I thought would never leave after Turkey day.

Monday is the target start day. First up is a model built out of 2x4s. I'll post the link to the picture page when I get the first ones up. I am going to try and document the process in detail.

Let the games begin!


P.S. Tom & Doug: Get ready for lots of questions!

Sounds great. I am always willing to listen (don't tell my wife I said that, she wouldn't believe it for a minute!) to the advice of others who are in the know. I like the cabinet idea, and really like the base you described. can you email some pics? I have a TV cabinet from the 40's that I inherited, and had given some thought to using it as a combination stand/cabinet. It weighs a ton, and would hold everything. The only problem with it is it won't fit where I need it to go.

So, with that said, any and all who have ideas give me an email. Pics too. My site is jphii.com, and should be up sometime next week. I should have enough bandwith to showcase not only my own, but also others projects.

This could be some fun!
Dear Jphii, Lets do it then. I think the cabinet you have will be perfect. I had some of the same problems that you describe. Fitting the turntable into the cabinet was very difficult for me because my wife did not want it cut up in any way. The cabinet was a mess when I started. I belonged to her grandfather and he used it to store paint cans . Now it has inlayed wood and brass and is a centerpiece in our family room. I had to do the restoration myself and it took two attempts to get it right. I would start with the cabinet, gut the electronics and make the top open up on a hinge. The front where the glass picture tube was coulde be done up nicely with stained glass and brass. You will find some very good woodworkers at a store called Rockler Woodworkers. They have all the cabinet things you need. For acrylic work look under Great Lakes Plasics. I spent 2 years on this project and now have a one of a kind family heirloom that even my wife loves. Later, Dredster

If I use the cabinet, it will have the table sitting on top, electronics inside. The inside was gutted years ago, they used it for a liquor cabinet.

BTW, Rockler is about the worst place to but from. If you ever need wood or hardware, email me and I'll get you headed in the right direction.


Glad to hear you're making progress! In your spare time :) you might check out www.theanalogdepot.com. It's the home page of a guy who built an acrylic Teres in 2002. Lots of details and photos.

I found that site about 3 weeks ago. He most definitely has some interesting things there. I think he can even make setup "easy" to understand!