I got the platter and motor stuff yesterday. I was totally unprepared for the quality of the pieces. I mean, I figured they would be of the best quality do to the way Teres owners rave about them, but HOLY S%&*$# Batman, NICE!!
The project has started, and I should have some pics up by the weekend.
All I need now is a cartridge. Still trying to decide if I shoild just spend the bucks or not for a Shelter. I mean, this all started as a way to get back to vinyl for under $2000, but at this point, there is NO POINT to getting the cheaps. Audiocubes has the Denon 103r for $241 shipped, but I can get a 901 for $1100. I know, I know, that IS a substantial difference.I figure I've got a week or 2 to make a decision.
I know the consensus opinion is go for the Shelter. One question: Koetsu Black?
I'll keep ya posted!