Sony SACD Monsters: Already Obsolete?

I am wondering if their massive SACD-1 and 333 players will be discontinued or reduced now that you can buy the well reviewed DVD/SACD combo for only $1500. Does anyone have any experience with either of these machines? I am willing to pay a bit of a premium for build quality, durability etc but could they really sound that much better? Are there any bargains out there yet?
Sony recently introduced an SACD only model here in the UK which retails around $600 and has many of the attributes of the more expensive models (if not the finish and filtering) and sounded quite good. I have not yet experienced the combined SACD/DVD player, but I'm sure a lot of the positive aspects of the more expensive models have "trickled down" into the cheaper models to our listening benefit. Regards, Richard.
CW, I believe you will find that the SCD-1, as well as the 777, are already discontinued. There is a thread at the Audio Asylum that highlighted current and future plans based on some press releases.
To answer Joyfulsound, I don't think that there is one that exists. Could be wrong, but I haven't seen one yet.