You correctly read the situation in that you are being taken out of the loop. But the reasons are only partially correct. Please look at this from my situation. A customer orders a turntable and after many months of frustrating and confusing communucation (with you, not the buyer) we are unable to resolve what should have been a very simple problem. Finally in frustration I ask the buyer to send me the arm, armboard and cartridge so that I can sort out the problem. When I get the parts I find that there is no problem. I have the arm, armboard and cartridge setup on a 265 in my room and it all fits perfect, with plenty of room to adjust the VTA. The only real problem was because OL changed their VTA adapter the mounting hole was slightly undersized. This was identified very early in the process and I offered to redrill the armboard, but you opted to take care of it yourself. So with or without your post I would have wanted you out of the loop. Can you blame me?
Of course your negative post did not help matters at all. As it turns out some of the claimed problems didn't exist and others were exaggerated. At the time I thought that your comments and representations were quite unfair. Now with a little more information I feel more free to say what I thought then.
I am committed to customer statisfaction. That's why I will be flying to Boise to setup Steve's turntable for him. But from your post it seems that you are still unhappy with me. This even though I have clearly gone above and beyond with resolving this problem for your friend.
You correctly read the situation in that you are being taken out of the loop. But the reasons are only partially correct. Please look at this from my situation. A customer orders a turntable and after many months of frustrating and confusing communucation (with you, not the buyer) we are unable to resolve what should have been a very simple problem. Finally in frustration I ask the buyer to send me the arm, armboard and cartridge so that I can sort out the problem. When I get the parts I find that there is no problem. I have the arm, armboard and cartridge setup on a 265 in my room and it all fits perfect, with plenty of room to adjust the VTA. The only real problem was because OL changed their VTA adapter the mounting hole was slightly undersized. This was identified very early in the process and I offered to redrill the armboard, but you opted to take care of it yourself. So with or without your post I would have wanted you out of the loop. Can you blame me?
Of course your negative post did not help matters at all. As it turns out some of the claimed problems didn't exist and others were exaggerated. At the time I thought that your comments and representations were quite unfair. Now with a little more information I feel more free to say what I thought then.
I am committed to customer statisfaction. That's why I will be flying to Boise to setup Steve's turntable for him. But from your post it seems that you are still unhappy with me. This even though I have clearly gone above and beyond with resolving this problem for your friend.