IMHO, my choice would be Cary 303 ($3000) or Cary 306 ($5000). You can find either of these new for far less than list prices shown and both are awesome and musical.
I auditioned Levinson No.39 and although its a nice player it didn't do it for me. Besides, the No.39 digital internals are a bit dated so thats why Levinson finally came out with the No.390s to replace the original No.39. You'll see more No.39 players showing up on the secondary market and prices should start to soften slightly if you're looking for one.
I auditioned Levinson No.39 and although its a nice player it didn't do it for me. Besides, the No.39 digital internals are a bit dated so thats why Levinson finally came out with the No.390s to replace the original No.39. You'll see more No.39 players showing up on the secondary market and prices should start to soften slightly if you're looking for one.