cd players with volume control

are there any a serious cd players out there with a volume knob that i can connect directly to an amp?
a conspicuous model by its absence thus far: the accuphase 75v. digital volume control that will not degrade the sonics by rolling off high and/or low end at varying output levels, as will the "analogue" pots. you can't appreciate the best unless you audition this one-box player. trust me; i'm a lawyer. ;~) -kelly
Ah !!!! A debate.
Cornfedboy it has been my experience that exactly the opposite of your position is what I have heard. Ihave owned the Accuphase DP75, Levinson 39, Theta Miles and both the Resolution Audio CD 50 and 55. My refence still remains the CD 50. Digital volume controls drop bits in its efforts to achieve dynamics and volume. I get much more detail with a true Analog volume control. Resolution Audio goes a bit further in that they have a true dedicated pre amp section. The transparency that can be achieved by going direct to amp from this design is better than any digital or for that matter separate pre amp volume control that i have ever heard. My opinion, yes but i have actually bought and sold many differnt CD players to learn this including the one you mention. Have a great day. Enjoy. Jim
jim: i can assure you that the volume control on the accuphase dp-75v does not "drop bits." i don't own the unit but one of my good friends does. (i have owned the dp-75, which i ran directly with great sucess.) he thoroughly researched this issue before he sold his preamp. the accuphse dp-75v volume control is similar, tho not as sophisticated, as that in the dc-330 pre/dac, which i still have while awaiting delivery of a new pre/dac. should anyone wish more info on the volume controls on accuphase products, they should contact arturo manzano, the distributor for the us. you can find his email address, etc. on the accuphase website. -kelly
Acuujim- You really ought to give the Wadia 860x or the new 861 a shot, I owned the CD50 at the same time as the Wadia and it is way better than the CD50 in my system. True you need to run the Wadia at the top end of it's volume output for maximum resolution, but that is not very hard to do by adjusting the internal output voltage switches to match the output of you amps.