Zu Cable-vs-Virtual Dynamics?

Hi:i;m looking for a pair of reasonable priced used speaker cables and was wondering if anyone has had any experince with the zu cable wax or the virtual dynamics reference speaker cable and how they compared to each other,thanks so much in advance.Al
my system is
resolution audio dacs&transport
moon i-5 integrated
paradigm ref v-40II speakers
maplashade ic's.
First of all, I don't know Virtual Dynamics. Second, I have about 400 hours on a pair of BiWire Wax cables that are connecting my BAT VK-500 to the external crossover of my North Creek Rhythm Signatures.

I got the Wax at the same time as the North Creeks so the changes I've noticed overtime are due to both pieces breaking in.

That being the case, I can say I am very pleased with the WAX. I first noticed a somewhat limited extension into the bass and a slightly forward high end. This came and went over time. For the last several weeks they have been rock steady. The soundstage has bloomed beyond the lateral confines of the speakers. The imaging is very 3D with a just behind the speakers focus. Top end is without grain and bass is much more focused. I can't say what specific characteristics the Wax contributes to the sound but the combonation is absolutely stellar.

I will know more when (if) I compare them to other cables but right now they sound so right I don't know why I would mess with success.

I recommend that you bid on them during one of ZuCables frequent A-gon auctions. I got my pair for around half retail price.

Hope this is helpful (I tried not to be blindly enthusiastic.)

Hi, Alfred. I know you're looking for speaker cable but I would try a virtual dynamic power cord on the moon1-5. I have the sim4070SE and Rick at VD suggested the audidtion PC and it really makes this amp boogie big time....just a thought. Good luck.
I have purchased the ZU Wax Cables and have about 60 hours on them. Your discription is exactly the same as I would describe.
I finally hooked the wax cables to my secondary system for additional burn in time. I am not sure if I will keep them.
Tireguy, I believe you were thinking of the HMS cables from previous posts. Email me , before you regret it.
Hey Alfred...How have you been? Good to see you here again. I'm using the VD pc's with good results (3 power 2's). I've been thinking about trying the VD Absolute speaker cables instead of my current AP Oval 9 biwired. Has anyone compared these two cables?