PS Audio Direct Stream

Has anyone received this unit yet?
And if so please share your review.
Gentlemen, most of these impressions are from DS that have less then 50 hours on them and at best a little over that. Wait until there is at least a good 100+, but I would expect that the DS might need as much as its predecessor the PW to show its true nature, so 400-500 hours would not be out of line.

Some of the reports that mention the softness etc, are from people that have reported that the PW needed 400-500 hours to show how it truly sounded.

Check post 923. He mentions how it is starting to improve etc.
Larrybou, Interesting comments, thank you.
I believe that everything is converted to 10 times DSD. Whatever that means...
I was also at the demonstration for the entire time. My thoughts are along the same lines as Sarcher30. I thought the depth of the soundstage was excellent in relative comparison to the stock player. The jury is still out for me. Listening in a room with a bunch of folks is always difficult and I would need to listen in my own room with a direct A/B comparison before I could fairly comment.
Goose, Thank you, for your thoughts and opinion.
The original hype from PS Audio was that, "it is a game changer"! I was under the impression that as soon as it was turned on the improved sound quality would be unmistakable.
That's my post, #923.. The DS is not rolled off or soft on top..It does need a lot of burn in..any other questions?