interconnect suggests under 300 used.

I just spent my allowance on upgrading my system. What is left are cables suggested by the forum. My budget is spent so would like the best cable available for under $300 used (1m pair/xlr)with all mark levinson equipment and electrostatic speakers. I am using monster cables now.I have not received the ML390 yet but the cables i am using are medium grade monster IC with RCA connections. If I can afford a better cable if going with a rca connections should I?
Hi Sugar, I agree with you in principle. I was using Kimber, Cardas, Harmonic Tech, Analysis Plus all in one system, but recently switched to one brand of cables that have a revealing character. I've achieved a state where my components are passing as pure a signal as I can afford, and I'm now doing tweaks only through swapping different NOS tubes.

However, we must consider Electrostaticman's query and his budget of $300. Do any ML components use tubes? Can $300 accommodate a set of revealing interconnects and a pair of tubes? Yes, definitely make sure it's the interconnect that needs changing first. In the past, I blamed my interconnects for a bright sounding system and replaced one cable at a time because that's all I could afford. That's how I ended up with so many different types. Eventually, I found that to be a losing battle. But if Electrostaticman is pretty well set in all areas except for one interconnect, then maybe a little more information might be helpful.

I also believe that sometimes there is a synergy between certain components and cables. This is very hard to predict, and we never know until we experiment. Even though My Cardas Golden Cross isn't in my system anymore, I've kept it because I'll never know when I might need it again.
Check out a cable called Supra from Jenving technology. Sweden. Just auditioned it. VERY GOOD! especially for the price. Around $150-$ 175 for interconnects.
See if a dealer near you will let you audition it. Better than many cables we have heard at prices far greater.
Van Den Hul - leans toward warmer sound
Nordost Red Dawn - Neutral and fast
Harmonic Tech - warm side of neutral
Magnan Vi- warm

I like the Harmoic tech and Magnan the best.

I agree Gunbei. I don't know the posters personal taste, so I just try to recommend cables that seem pretty neutral to me. They'll pass through the signal pretty clearly, so they will sound good with whatever his taste is and his equipment is. I always feel colored cables are fine for someone who will probably never upgrade, but neutral cables are better in the long run for those are likely to upgrade at some point.

It works for me. I can try a new piece of gear and can be pretty sure I am hearing close to what it sounds like without something else coloring the sound.

In my experience there is no such thing as uncolored. I have never heard an amp, preamp, CD player, cable or other component which didn't lend at least a subtle sonic signature to the overall sound of the system it was in.

An often overlooked component in ANY system which is most certainly always colored to some degree or another is the room.

Of course there are components and cables which want to be closer to neutral than others but ultimately they too have an audible sonic signature - which can vary tremendously between different system configurations.

To me, music IS a coloration - it has body, weight, bloom, transparency, liquidity, texture, timbre, air... and what would music sound like if it were simply neutral? Seems boring... doesn't it? Music is comprised of so many opposites its difficult for any system to excel at both. Music is made of color and its the duty of a good system to faithfully reproduce music in all its glory.

What cables do quite effectively is balance a system with the environment to produce a sound which the listener can determine (based upon his/her preference & experience) as being more like REAL music.

It is much easier to balance a system with cables than it is to balance with excessive room treatment or various system is ridiculous to expect that anyone's system is perfect. No two components make a perfect match in every case and it is less likely that any complete system is in-fact, perfect. Even in cases where someone uses components from one manufacturer they remain subject to what the manufacturer deems as the "correct" sound...which is never truly "neutral". Anyone in this hobby could tell you that every component manufacturer has their own idea of what music should sound like, hence their sonic signature - which is never truly neutral and in most cases never like REAL music on their own.

It takes the right seasoning to make any component sound its best.

Here is another question to ponder; what would food taste like if it was neutral? Yuck! We all like flavor don't we? But.. we all have different tastes.

I think its important that Electrostaticman understand the possibilities that await him and that he not limit himself to the solutions that worked for us. Of course we can provide guidance but none of us have his ears.

Electrostaticman, its my suggestion that you select one of the above mentioned cables and start your journey there. A world of possibilities await you. If your first cable doesn't suit you, sell it and try another. Every cable you experience will deliver a new vision into your system. It can be a difficult process but the end results are very rewarding.