PS Audio Direct Stream

Has anyone received this unit yet?
And if so please share your review.
Thanks to Erik as well for posting that link.

In early June I will be running a comparison (personal, not connected with any publication) to decide my ideal DAC. Of course system synergy, and personal preference have so much to do with the final decision. But I have acquired some top tier DAC's and will gladly report my findings.

Lampizator Big6
Accustic Arts Tube DAC 2 mk 2
Empirical Audio OverDrive SE
Jeff Rowland Aeris
PS Audio DirectStream

I can't wait!!!

To be honest, I think the DirectStream is the underdog. But the guys from PS Audio claim it can play with the big boys; so let's see. I know the list is not top tier, mega dollar Wadia, MSB, DCS, Esoteric gear. But for red book CD and 16/44 files, I think what I have coming in is pretty much the best there currently is to offer.....
Just to avoid conflict.

I should correct that to say:
"Amongst" the best there currently is to offer.....
I won't hold my breath, but the DACs I'd most like to see the DS compared to are the Meitner, Bricasti, MSB Analog DAC and Auralic Vega.
Mattnshilp, Your review with those Dacs would be great!

Drubin. Check out PS Audio Website. A new owner of the DS has compared the DS to Meitner, and the Auralic Vega. He sold them and kept the DS!

There is also to be an upcoming review of the PS Audio DirectStream in 6 Moons.

I should have my DS unit in the next couple of weeks. I can compare it to a Bryston BDA-2 Dac and the Dac inside of my Cary SACD 306 SACD.
Drubin: your list is appropriate and comparable to the DS in many ways. Actually a much more appropriate comparison list then the one I created. I actually have a friend who might bring his Meitner MA-1 for me to try as well.

My goal is to audition higher level dac's that are sort of catering to red book and 16/44 files, not DSD or up sampled PCM. Most on my list are between $8K and $10k . I want to see if the DS can truly compete with bigger guns, as Paul M from PS Audio claims . In an interview, he said that his DS compared favorably (read "sounded better") then a $30K DAC they tried in their listening room.

I'll share my findings happily

Out of curiosity, how many songs do you guys usually use for your gear comparisons? I have a song list on Amarra with 15-20 songs and I actually think its too many truthfully. I'm thinking 5 well chosen songs would be much more effective Considering my 20 songs take about 2 hours to listen to, I find that my brain doesn't have the capacity to remember specific nuances of an earlier song by the time the later songs come .