Biwiring: can you really hear the difference?

What are people's experience with biwiring, and do you really think it makes a difference over just getting a jumper?
Reporting for the minority (apparently). I went from biwired Kimber 8TCs (feeding ProAc Response 3s from CJ Premier l2s) to single-wired Mapleshade Double Golden Helix and Mapleshade jumpers. Amazing improvement. Quite a bit cheaper, too.
Yes my VTL/Aerial 10T setup showed a opening up of soundstage and detail. with my Monster 2.4 cables
Dennis, Having two pairs of cables have the terminated differently on amplifier end. For example: one of them have spades and the other bananas.
It depends on the system. With Vandersteens and Linns, yes! With Dunlavys, I'm not so sure.
Wouldn't using two sets of cable be like doubling the "filter" on the sound... however your cables change the music, they'll do that , that much more with two sets? If your cable is very neutral in sound, then biwiring might not do much, but if you choose a cable that promotes a certain kind of sound, biwiring might make a big difference. ?

Also, it seems like it probably is system dependent. Maybe this is definitely one issue that needs an audition.