Biwiring: can you really hear the difference?

What are people's experience with biwiring, and do you really think it makes a difference over just getting a jumper?
I have two-way speakers with two inputs. Single wire was good. Doubling the run was a lot better. Keeping the double run connected to one set of output terminals at the amp end, removing the metal jumper clip at the speaker end terminals and connecting a cable to each individual terminal sounded best. This has been true with all three monitor speakers I've used - Sonus Faber, Silverline, and B&W. If you can't split the runs at least make up a speaker wire jumper to replace that metal clip between the bi-wiring posts.
Reporting for the minority (apparently). I went from biwired Kimber 8TCs (feeding ProAc Response 3s from CJ Premier l2s) to single-wired Mapleshade Double Golden Helix and Mapleshade jumpers. Amazing improvement. Quite a bit cheaper, too.
Yes my VTL/Aerial 10T setup showed a opening up of soundstage and detail. with my Monster 2.4 cables
Dennis, Having two pairs of cables have the terminated differently on amplifier end. For example: one of them have spades and the other bananas.
It depends on the system. With Vandersteens and Linns, yes! With Dunlavys, I'm not so sure.