Speaker wire change

Considering upgrading speaker wire and would like to hear from people using Classe 25 amps running in mono, Classe cp-60 preamp, and Martin Logan Ascents, or simular equipment. Current wire is XLO type 5 bi-wire.
My preference is to bi-wire and budget is $1000 and will be buying used. My runs will be 5-6 feet.
What wire would you choose?
Rsbeck, not a very popular position around here, but I agree with you. How much improvement does the original poster expect from speaker cables? The manufacturers and the insane audio press have done quite a number over the years convincing 95% of audiophiles that cables are "components" and that asking the price of a decent preamp or integrated amp for 8 feet of cable is par for the course. The magic that has allowed insane margins on cables is being put to good use by the equipment mongers pushing the sound of spikes, cones, bearings and racks. How many more ways are there to spell out the word "GULLIBLE". The best improvement in these last few months around my place is the purchase of a number of XRCDs and of SACDs. They actually reproduce music. Jsawhithlock, I would recommend you get a home trial for the cables to convince yourself if that money would be better spent on cables or elsewhere in the system.
this is the one area where i have been skeptical, and yet have been proven wrong. upgrades in speaker cables and interconnects have made significant differences in the sound of my system. (power cords have not, even different digital gear has made less of a difference). i went from MIT terminator4 (the cables with mysterious boxes), to BearLabs cables -- MAJOR improvement in transparency. like wiping off a layer of dirt. i have since auditioned a full setup of purist audio venustas cables, and it was almost as big of a jump up -- more transparent AND more weight to the music. it was noticeable the SECOND i made the switch, without "burn in", "settling time" or whatever else... obvious, immediate improvement.

looking at my system, my speakers look like the best place to upgrade, but in my room, listening at the levels i listen at, my martin logans are perfect. i can't think of another speaker that could work as well in this small space, and still give me that special quality electrostats give me. i've listened to much more expensive speaker setups, and i like the sound of my aerius. so why not get the best out of them?
I agree with all of the above wholeheartedly. IMO this whole business of spending as much money on cables as on your major components is one of the biggest hoaxes perpetrated on audiophiles. Same as the CDs sound better, magic bricks, alien pods, cryogenic molecule aligned magic gizmos, alarm clocks which have undergone special treatment and mysteriously make equipment sound better. Incidently all of the above were highly touted by reviewers at one time or another. Try this test for yourself, take a system and play a recording of something you are familiar with (suggest acoustic instruments, piano, and voice NOT ROCK) use inexpensive cables and then switch to more and more expensive cables. Try to follow a certain instrument and then another and another at relatively modest volumes. I am certain that you will hear little difference as you switch cables.

IMO, some decent wire is good enough.

Always trust your ears not the BS written by others. AND DO NOT BUY IF YOU CANT HEAR THE DIFFERENCE.
Speaker wire change

your system is all solid state and your speakers are very revealing.

your price range isnt really that high considering you need true bi-wire(ie shotgun) or two pairs of cables.( i have alon II's that require to be bi-wired, and in a high resolution system, differences in speaker cable is quite obvious)

i would have to ask what would are you looking for ?

better imaging, more bass, more bloom, something to smooth off the top end ? looking at your sytem & ic's it would appear to sound very fast with little to no bloom.

i would start off with calling martin logan and ask them what speaker wire works well with your ascents and start there (those are a really nice speaker, i would really heasitate to sell them).most speaker manufactures voice their designs with a couple of differnt cables.

if you are looking for body and warmth & bloom- start with cardas.
if your are looking for a neutral to revealing cable - there are differnt models from wireworld.the new signature from xlo is suppose to be very nice.

revealing- the gold & silver from wire world.

please keep in mind, those are only suggestions.

but inmo, i would start off with taking some demo cables home that martin logan suggest with solid state gear/digital and go from there.

btw, how much do you think your xlo type 5 biwire is worth ?
i have a bi-wired pair that i am geting ready to sell

best regards!!