this is the one area where i have been skeptical, and yet have been proven wrong. upgrades in speaker cables and interconnects have made significant differences in the sound of my system. (power cords have not, even different digital gear has made less of a difference). i went from MIT terminator4 (the cables with mysterious boxes), to BearLabs cables -- MAJOR improvement in transparency. like wiping off a layer of dirt. i have since auditioned a full setup of purist audio venustas cables, and it was almost as big of a jump up -- more transparent AND more weight to the music. it was noticeable the SECOND i made the switch, without "burn in", "settling time" or whatever else... obvious, immediate improvement.
looking at my system, my speakers look like the best place to upgrade, but in my room, listening at the levels i listen at, my martin logans are perfect. i can't think of another speaker that could work as well in this small space, and still give me that special quality electrostats give me. i've listened to much more expensive speaker setups, and i like the sound of my aerius. so why not get the best out of them?
looking at my system, my speakers look like the best place to upgrade, but in my room, listening at the levels i listen at, my martin logans are perfect. i can't think of another speaker that could work as well in this small space, and still give me that special quality electrostats give me. i've listened to much more expensive speaker setups, and i like the sound of my aerius. so why not get the best out of them?