What type of turntable should I use?

I have a Sota Star Sapphire which uses hanging suspension but I'm wondering if I need any suspension at all.

My listening room is part of my finished basement. I live on a block where there is very little traffic. It is not a through street. So I don't get trucks and other heavy vehicles rumbling past causing vibrations.

My stand is very solid. I cannot detect vibrations from the speakers when I hold my hand on the equipment rack shelves.

All of this stuff can be seen by clicking on "my system."

What all of this is leading up to is, do I need a turntable with suspension, AND is there an advantage to having an unsuspended turntable?
I think the scout is simply a price point to sell VPI! The Aries while a good table, without the VPI arm is simply another Rega III on steroids. The Aries system is a well balanced package that delivers most of the TNT sound missing the last shades that make the Aries somewhat expensive but in the price point of its competitors. Not many competitve tt systems or mix and match systems can deliver quiet like the Aries and if it is balanced and dead level it will sparkle and shine like few others.
That's correct Sayas. It was worth the time and effort to make sure my Aries is on firm foundation and dead level. The synergy with my JMW 10.5 is truly hard to beat for the price and competes with more expensive designs and models, even Harrys own TNT. I heard the Aries with a Graham 2.0 and although a fine combo, didn't justify the price compared to my 10.5, Now I have to talk my friend out of the Graham and going with the Aries extended with 12.5 at a good deal. The 12.6 is also nice. My next move will definately be the SDS. Anyone hear the Aries 2 with new Acrylic and beveled plater/ HR bearing?? Wonder if $1100. is worth the upgrade over the older TNT plater/ bearing. I rather like the looks of the old as the new looks"cheaper"
Just to throw this out.Talked with Wally of Tools fame and he said he thought the 12.5 was superior to 12.6.Didn't get details as I was asking Q's all over the board.And no surprise he thought his anti-skate would outperform VPI's (big surprise).
if your turntable was designed with a suspension, you should keep it working that way. the suspension is designed to absorb the sinusoidal waves emanating from your speakers. the spurious vibrations created by trucks, footsteps or a dropped object are not sinusoidal waveforms. they would look more like a square wave (spurious vibrations) and can cause feedback through your speakers. so i believe it was sota's design objective to suppress the sound waves coming out of your speakers. i hope this answers your question. if it were my turntable, i would never defeat the suspension of the sota.