What is your price range for used vinyl?

Personally, I enjoy finding nuggets in thriftstores the most. They usually sell for a buck, and if two out of five aren't so hot, no big deal. Once in a while I may spend
$10-15 on a very good condition LP, if I know the music but
haven't been able to find it. I'm curious what price criteria other analog aficionados use.
Well, it depends. I don't go out and buy gallons of stuff just to try it out; I'm usually looking for particular recordings, or at least particular artists. So I tend to prefer shops that actually sort their records--and I pay for that service. Even so, I've picked up plenty of old rock for $2-4. I'll go somewhat higher for jazz, but not too high, because used CDs are less than $10, and I'm not a true vinylphile.

The exceptions are out-of-print stuff. I recently picked up "Delightfulee" by Lee Morgan for $15, and I've spent as much as $30-35 for Yardbirds rarities. (Though now I listen almost exclusively to the excellent Repertoire remasters on CD.)
There is something very satisfying about buying records for a dollar or two at yard sales and such; if the price exceeds 5 or 10 bucks the LP better be very special indeed.

If I want the LP the asking generally gets paid for, especially for out of print or near mint condition vinyl.
I buy used jazz from the 50's - 60's. Good reissues go from $10 up. Originals can be $20 - $100+. On average, I pay about $30 for a good (near mint) LP. My observations, after buying many used LP's, is that Ebay records are somewhat over priced because of demand but sometimes a goood deal can be found. In my opinion, people who re-enter the LP realm expecting to find lots of "bargains" will be disapointed. Many people are looking for good LP's today and therefore good LP's are not cheap. Expect to pay more than CD but the sound is worth it.