PS Audio Direct Stream

Has anyone received this unit yet?
And if so please share your review.
My system is posted on this site, and I don't use the Data Stream DAC.
My comment was a general observation based on hearing numerous audio systems over the years. If direct source to amplifier sounds better to you then that's the right way to go. It just hasn't been true in my listening encounters.
I just checked the specs for the Direct Stream.
The balanced out is 5.3Vrms 200 ohms.
Then I checked the balanced output of the BSG QOL and its output is 10Vrms 50 ohms.
So, perhaps that is why I don't need the preamp.

Ted Smith posted these specs for the DS output on the PS Audio forum:

Balanced: 2.8V RMS or 8V p-p 300 Ohms
Unbalanced: 1.4V RMS or 4V p-p 150 Ohms
Kana813, That seems to be on the low side and is different than the specs posted on the PS Audio website.
I wonder which is correct?

Ted Smith said:
"The DS is about 3dB lower in output than many CD players or DACs.Most of us have much more than that amount of headroom so it's not usually a problem. The thing is that the PWD is hotter than many DACs so some people have systems with no preamp that work with the PWD but perhaps not without a preamp with the DS. (BTW other people have systems for which the PWD has too high of output level and are happy that the DS has a lower output level.)"