The truth about interconnects - can you handle it?

Warning: Following this link may be hazardous to your perception of reality.
None denies that cables sound different but by all means when you strip or look inside the mega-priced ones you see just the same industrial grade wires with some phoney information about close to ideal purity that you can easily buy for pennies at Home Depot. The same thing is to the speaker wires as well.

Any further fancy coating and gold-plated plugs for $50/pr just makes no sence at all. No need to go further than $9/pr Dayton connectors in that case for even $100k equipment.

Wires that cost like a diamond necklace won't ever be any better than $40/pr ones. And in that price range there are plenty-of-plenty to choose the one you'll like if you will hear the differences between them. They will certainly sound better than thin RS ones for $3.

The reactance influence is so minimal and audio freequencies that you needn't worry about that as long as equipment does not oscillate from RF.
Redbeard: You sure opened a can of worms with this thread.

IMO; It does not matter how a cable is built, voodoo science, or marketing hype but rather the end result. That is, how does a cable perform in your system. If it is a real improvement enjoy the music, otherwise get your money back.

Sonic genius i share your point of view completely. That's the only important aspect to me, either it (cables or other components) works for me (in my system) or not.

before 80's people did not hear substantial differences in interconnects as they "hear" it right now since some of them rich the cost of diamond necklace(yo gotta be keddin' if they don't improve sound!)

so the hearing abilities is much greater nowdays than back than. think about it we now even hear an audio furniture!
I guess gravity did not exist till Newton discovered, and North America was not a part of the world till Columbus stumbled across it too!
People like Bomarc who claim to have the answers based on science delude themselves. Just because nobody has found a way to measure the differences yet doesn't mean they don't exist. It simply means this area of research is in it's infant stages. Infants should not be allowed measuring devices!!!
I suppose the study in Germany in which classical music conductors are seen to hear more than the untrained listener should be ignored since there obviously is not more music being played when they listen as opposed to the average listener!
The biggest problem science has is the pedestrian who actually knows very little that takes something a much wiser person has said and repeats it without understanding what it means.
Every interconnect is different! If you cannot hear the difference you are in the wrong hobby! If you can hear the obvious, just forget the 'junk scientists' who claim you delude yourself and enjoy the music!!!