Cartridge wars

I'm looking to change cartridges, and I'm looking for opinions on a $1000 +/- cartridge. Currently I'm considering the Grado Reference, Lyra Argo, and Sumiko Blackbird. My turntable is a VPI 19 Mk IV with AQ PT-9 and Bel Canto Electronics/phono stage. Opinions anyone?
Don't know what kind of music you listen to.
Don't know what kind of sound you prefer.

However, JUST looking at price here are some favourites:-
Shelter 501 Mk2
Shelter 901
Benz Micro L2
Clearaudio Sigma Wood
Dynavector Karat 17DMk2

After trying several different cartridges with my VPI HW-19 Mk4 / Rega RB-900 (now RB-1000), I eventually chose the Grado Reference ($1200, 4.5 mV output). I have been extremely pleased with it. It is very quick (close to the best moving coils), has excellent tonal balance from top to bottom, conveys a nearly holographic soundstage on well-recorded LP's, and is extremely musical.

If reviews/ratings from the high-end audio mags provide a useful comparison for you, be aware that TAS lists the Grado Reference as one of its "recommended cartridges", and selected it as an "Editor's Best Buy" in the Oct-Nov 2003 issue of the magazine. The one "downside" to Grado cartridges is their susceptibility to hum induced by the turntable motor. I have not found this to be a problem with my VPI HW-19 Mk4.

TAS also recommends the following cartridges in your general price range:
1. Dynavector Karat 17D Mk2 ($750)
2. Ortofon Kontrapunkt B ($900)
3. Sumiko Celebration ($1500)
When I contacted VPI about a year ago regarding a cartridge recommendation for my VPI Aries the Dynavector Karat 17D Mk2 was at the top of their list for under $1000.
Note, the Dynavector Karat is a very low voltage cartridge. Make sure your phono stage has adequate step up otherwise you will have no volume.
My taste in music has been asked, and fortunately (or maybe not), I listen to just about everything. So for me, the cartridge with the best balance is what I'm after. I don't want a cartridge that performs exquisitely in one area and fails miserably in another. Rather, I'd like something well rounded rather than over the top or vivid per se.