SACD software prices are dropping.

Sony just released two Miles Davis SACDs with a $19.99 list price. Sony SACDs have generally had a $24.99 list price. Normal CDs generally have list prices around $16.99 to $17.99 so SACDs may soon have prices only a couple dollars more than CDs.

This week, many Tower Record stores have reduced all their Sony SACDs by $4.

This week, Telarc has announced a $2 reduction in their SACD prices.
Beemer: What heading are you using to access SACD's on the Tower Records site. I haven't had any luck. Thanks; Larry
I recall when CD came out. They said the prices would quickly fall to below $10 as the market took hold. Anyone remember those below $10 retail CDs? Me neither. The price has been set to what the market will bear. If we don't buy SACDs at $24, but do buy at $19 (I will)--then that will dictate the price. More than likely they will then increase the price to find out when people reduce purchasing SACDs. But if I can get a dual layer SACD (most Sony's aren't), which I can play in my SACD player and all my CD players at $19 I will buy it over a $13 CD any day.
Kelly my experience is that SACD are quite often back ordered on the internet. The two retailers in Mpls that I know have SACD can not keep them in stock. My personal experience would say this is the marketing plan and not weak deemand. Abstract7, I do remember that. Nexos is the only lable that has proven it possible, all the rest, greed! Again I find the values of audio to be amazing, people will scream holly he.. over a $500 power cord and the "profit" made, but are happy to open there wallets to 300% mark ups on software. 300% times 500 cd's vs $500 power cord. I think the power cord might be the bargain.
Sony is a mainstream manufacturer and not a low volume, highend company. It wants SACD to go mainstream and Sony knows that SACD won't go mainstrem by selling software at $25. IMHO, this is a key, calculated step to move SACD into the mainstream.
Hello Larry:

To get a list of sacd's on tower records site:

Select "all music" in one search box. In the other search box type: super audio

This works for me!
