Anyone tried Kharma cable,suppose to be the best ?

i am trying to decide what kind of cable i want with the
lamm gear and a dealer told me that the most neutral cable
and the best overall cable was kharme grand reference.
i am curantly using nbs cable and i am very happy with
the sound.has anyone tried them or heard them?
Tekunda- Have you ever heard the Kharma Grand Reference? If you haven't(more then likely by the sound of your post) your statement has NO relevance here in this thread. On the flip side of this coin Hifi Farm Has heard the cables and made a comment based on what he HAS heard and not assumed. Good day.
Gee, I'll even host the A-B at the CES of these speaker cables and will be in room 1302 of the Alexis Park using a Rockport table, CTC Blowtorch preamp, CTC/Parasound JC-1 amps driving Rockport speakers.....I really want to hear how much better the Audio Tekne and Grand Finale are than the speaker wire I build......It would be nice as well if Tekunda brought the Lindemann CD player as I am curious how much better it is than the DDR digital system that was designed in 1994.....I'll supply the beer.....

Bob Crump
TG Audio/CTC Builders/DDR Mfg
Sounds like a good system to do the comparison with. I agree to be there. Let's confirm a time and wind it up with a Vegas night.
I haven't heard the Rockport Miro speakers yet, but Andy Payor says they are better than the Syzygy model he and I have been using for a decade as our reference.....Just received my JC-1 production amps ten days ago and they are already amazing and quite a bit better than the prototypes I have had the past six months....The DDR digital system is a completely rebuilt Entec Number Cruncher and G&D Transforms UTP-1 transport and the Rockport table is my personal Capella model....We are the first door off the Lobby to the left, room 1302, and look forward to doing the comparisons any night you are free....Now if we can just keep Curl from turning it all the way up and keep the police out of there we will have some fun....
Cable wars.....this is all very entertaining....i agree with Fred....cable is very system dependant. in the last 6 months i have had the HMS Grande Finale, the Siltech Compass Lake, and the Kharma Enigma (just finished) in my system (among other cables) to compare with my Valhalla interconnect and my Transparent Opus mm speaker cable.

my only comments would be that in my system i enjoy what i have and that listening is the only answer......and that listening tastes can dramitically differ from person to person so "which is best?" can be at best a real subjective question.