Did I damage my cartridge?

I had purchased a zerodust stylus cleaner. The first few times of use went ok. Now I seem to have a fuzz added that is bothering the hell out of me. I can only assume that maybe I applied too much pressure during a cleaning and could have possibly damaged something. I have tried to clean again and tried many different LP's with the same results. There is a fuzz to the music. My GOD what did I do???
Any Ideas?
I just got a Zerodust and in the instructions it tells you to press down lightly. At the very least you wrote this thread and may have saved some others from applying too much force. Thank you

Philjolet, that's interesting. The extremephono instructions very specifically warn you not to do that! I "think" the Zerodust is less liquid than the extremephono, so less likely to leave glop on the stylus or cantilever, but pushing down on my cartridge is not something I ever feel tempted to try. Exceeding the designed in movement range of the cantilever would be too easy.

After Zaikesman's post above I dragged out a digital scale and tried pushing very lightly on the platform, just to see how consistently gentle I could be. What I thought would be a small force instantly registered as 50-100g or more! To "push" down with just 1-3g is nothing more than the lightest possible brush of a finger, not really a push at all.
Well, I did just what the directions told me to do. The problem was I knew better and did not feel comfortable doing it.
I have worked out my problems and I do not believe that I did damage my cartridge.
But, I dod not apply pressure anymore.
Thanks for the research Doug, however I'm gratified to see that Scott no longer suspects he damaged his cart after all. In my experience, it's usually all or nothing: either the cantilever is across the room under sofa, or you've lunched a delicate wire and there's no signal, or it's a false alarm and everything's OK (save for the heart attack). Cart's are pretty tough little buggers - right up until the point that you destroy them...
Scott, that's good news. Glad your cart is okay. Did you figure out why the sound went fuzzy?

I haven't destroyed one (yet) Zaikesman. But with two cats and a klutz of a user it's only a matter of time. Maybe I should keep an old, cheap one nearby to attract accidents. If there are two cartridges the probability that I'll wreck the expensive one is reduced by 50%, right?!