So, only the 200 series turntables and higher are "finished," then? I noticed that there are two prices: "Kit" and "Assembled". The "kit" part's been made as clear as that acrylic platter. What else does the "assembled" price include - besides the finishing's [I assume]- completed? Do they bring it to your door completely setup except for the arm?
Twl, thanks for the warning regarding the VTA collars. As far as the shaky hands, I'm still safe with nitroglycerin vials and babies and can still thread a needle easily enough. It's more a matter of utter steadiness. I haven't yet, even with the [occasional] shakiness, snapped a cartridge or even damaged one. Doesn't mean it doesn't cause me a little anxiety with needlenose pliers, anyway, though. I should have said, "I FEEL like I'm all thumbs" in DIYs. Once I get started, I just go so carefully that what takes others 1 hour to do takes me 5 hours to do.
On that subject, I looked at the manual for the 100 series. Does it just LOOK more complex than it is? How long did it take you guys - and I'm only talking to the "all thumbs" among you. Experts need NOT respond :) to sand and assemble the base?
Part of me says, Go ahead, it'll be fun. The other part says, throw money at it and hire a finisher (that's also the part that's saying, Just buy a 245 and you won't have to upgrade so soon, and you'll have a heck of a lot less to do! [I lean towards the second voice, but then, that's a sign of schizophrenia, so maybe the first voice is secretly a cabinet maker when I'm fast asleep...wondered what all those shavings are on next to my bed...]). Needless to say, the second voice was the one that talked me into the Versa, Wilsons (WATTS) and Goldmund stuff in the 'good ol' days. Now that I think of it, it's the voice that drove me into poverty...So, I'm not going to listen to it -- at least, not for today. Come time to order, who knows which voice will be speaking to Chris.
An off-the-topic question: do any of you guys have any experience at loading your Shelter cartridges at 47k? My Microgroove Plus - soon to arrive - is being assembled at 47k (you can only get lower loadings up to 1k and then higher - 47k and up - in the Evanses, but not the capacity for ALL the loadings in one unit, which will make mine useless for anything except 47k. My Guru buddy - the famous one -- insisted on it (yes, HIM). Sounds like the Shelter wouldn't like this loading. Am I right?