Tonearm cable recommendations

I think it might be time to 'upgrade' my tonearm cable (using Analysis Plus Crystal Oval interconnect now), as we are listening to records A LOT!

What's out there?

Any recommendations?

Anyone using/used Extreme Phono's Limited Edition cable? I'm thinking of demo-ing it.

Pricing, while important, should not be the major issue here....the sound is the thing.

My equipment: Aries extended, JMW 12.5, Lyra Helikon, McIntosh C100 pre-amp.

Thanks! All help is appreciated! I've learned everything from you Audiogoners over the past year!!

Your VPI tonearm is wired with Discovery from the factory. Why not try Discovery interconnects, it only makes sense.
VPI itself sells a cable ($199/meter) through Music Direct and other places that's made up of the same Discovery wire used in the arm. Stands to reason that if you like the arm you'll like the cable. I'm planning to try it myself.
Thanks for the responses. Dogeatpuppy, I liked your idea of rewiring but it would defeat the anti-skating function of my VPI JMW arm... it uses that wire coming out of the tonearm to supply anti-skating force.

I looked through Music Direct's catalogue for tonearm wires and have a Nordost Quatro-Fil coming after they burn it in for me. I'll let y'all know how it turns out!


After a "brief" period of use (one week and 10+ hours) on
Nordost Quatro fil tonearm cable, I can definitely say it was a worthwhile upgrade. Most noticeable is the increased 'air' and 'spaciousness'...and there is more defined bass, which is really surprising. I can really hear the upright bass plucking now.

One drawback...I cannot stand to listen to the rest of my components now as they are connected using "lesser" interconnects and sound muddy comparatively. The CD player has some Valhalla on the way. The rest will have to wait!
Jbatlanta: Let me be the first to say, on behalf of the analog brigade, that part of the reason the rest of your system sounds worse is because you're comparing it to your best source! :-) The Valhalla will help, but your CD player ain't analog! Enjoy!