Best DAC around 1,000

I hate to do it, but I have been searching for a DAC to match up to an old (10 years) CD player, with an eye to upgrading to a transport after the DAC, and thought I would make everybody trot out their "best of" opinions again. Yes, I looked, but I only saw several threads on best CD players, one on best tube DACs, and one on best DAC under $500. My interest is in the $1,000 range (other gear: Plinius SA-100 Mk III amp, Rogue 99 pre and Coincident Super Eclipse speakers).

Give me your best shot!! Maybe even just say what you bought (if in this range), but say why and what you compared it to. Thanks!!
Try an Assemblege DAC 3.1. I have Rogue 66 and Coincident Super Conquests.The DAC 3.1 sounds great with this gear.
I use the Bel Canto 1.0 which I am going to have upgraded to 1.1 status. The BC is very smooth which may work well with your setup. If you look into the Muse DAC 2 it would be better to locate one with the Bessel filter and perhaps the HDCD upgrades (even if you do not use HDCD material there is another filter involved in the HDCD upgrade that is said to also improve standard CD feedback). I almost went with the Muse and contacted the last reviewer of the DAC at, quite some time ago, who was very helpful (these were his recommendations and he owns it). If you are looking for greater detail and the future option of running directly into a power amp, then the Birdland DAC is another runner up. If I were starting over again I would be sorely tempted to take the EVS DAC on trial as the designer/builder has a very good rep. I assume that DAC's like any thing else are system as well as taste (obviously) dependent and if you are planning on purchasing new, then see if a trial demo with a return priviledge is available (they all sound different).
S/B "standard CD playback" not "feedback". Seldenr: Nice system by the way.
Get a new or used MSB Link DAC and send it to Stan Warren for modification.(541)344-3696
If you stretch a bit, a used Classe DAC-1 can be found for ~~1200 in/on audiogon. Not bad, close to raw parts cost. Is happiest on an isolation platform, I use a BDR shelf, YMMV.
Only in comparison to a SF T3/P3 combo does it not sound spectacular, still excellent value for the money.