Triphazers - Use them?

Does anyone use the speaker version of the triphazer with any success and if so which speaker version ?
I just visited out of curiosity. I was surprised at the appearance and price of this product but cannot say it is not worth the $900.00, having not heard them.

I'm looking forward to comments as there are many high end speaker cables for that same amount of money. It would certainly be an interesting shoot out to hear them in a familiar environment.
Albert, i think that Music Direct carries them with a 30 day money back guarantee. I have read absolute raves about these products although i have NO idea as to what they do. I used to think that they were some type of "network box" like MIT's used, but i guess not. Sean
How could these things improve sound as they introduce some semiconducting device or another in the signal path.. plus you have to add another cable connection between...? kind of like adding a tube devise between a cd player and preamp to somehow improve sound.. doesn't this device just 'add' more deviation from the original signal? or am I wrong on this position?
Gentleman,I am very familiar with triphazers as I use them in my own high end system. These things will take your system to a new level never thought possible, no matter what the cost or performance of the equipment you own. No electronics or wire upgrades will equal the performance after breakin. If your interested, please email me at, I will be very happy to explain to you how these devices will transform your system. It is very important that we do talk before you make any purchases to avoid any mistakes. Happy Holidays!
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