Cones/Bearings for CD player

Can anyone suggest a good cone or isolation bearings to used under a CD player?
Darrell: You get used to it after a while and just concern yourself, immediately, with your household members, including pets (though I am sure that "Tim the TireGuy" is concerned about another member:-) and then the gear. This is quickly followed by concern for other close ones in the vicinity, (not much different from tornadoes in Iowa, where I grew up). I had a 5 LB DAC topple from its cone points following a sonic boom (the last space shuttle landing) and decided to go with a more secure method. Oh, and I love the levitaion/isolation idea on the laser/spindle assembly, but I have to admit that the thinking about it fuels a major headache.
Another vote for the Neuance shelf as an isolation AND drainage sink. Worked wonders under my CDP: cleaning up and integrating the top octaves better than cones, and WITHOUT the temporal smearing of air bladders. Music seems simply more coherent, thus reducing digititis, IMHO. Good Luck.
Ernie (Subaru), is your neuance shelf directly contacting your metal rack, if not what is between nueance and rack? Also do you directly couple the metal body of you gear to the nueance shelf, or do you keep existing feet on gear?

Same queation for Dave (Dekay)?
Sam: I do not yet have it installed, but the plan is to use the stock feet on my equipment resting directly on the shelf. Each shelf will be supported by four upturned brass spikes. This setup seems to follow the the basic advice given at Ken's website, though there are probably many ways to do it. You are familiar with my rack (the Studio Tech, think it's the PA-04) but I have had the rack mig welded into a one piece frame, so that it is no longer a bolt together unit.
Hi Megasam, I also have the Neuance. I use a Manna rack that has 4 adjustable spikes that the Neuance sits on. I was so impressed with this set up that I am going to order one for every component. I use the existing feet that are on my CD player. I have not gone back to the different footers because I am very happy the way it is. I will try different footers in the future to see if there are further benefits.