I'd be interested in your review of the Coda, Asa. Can you send it? I will actually return a thank you.
My entering a forum is determined by my leisure time, not who's posting. By the way, I am an artist, not a scientist. I have to trust my ears, and, unless I need to check for component compatibility, I never look at specs. In fact, I rarely see someone touting their amp's specs. Like you, I don't like analytical sound. I know people who utilize the TacT system. Everything is clearer, if you are sitting stone like in the sweet spot, but oh so forgettable. I'm surprised you employ a Sony, albeit your second system. I used one when I started; then someone brought over their tubed player. I went out and bought one the next day. Like you, I use tubes because they are more real sounding, call it air or whatever.
My entering a forum is determined by my leisure time, not who's posting. By the way, I am an artist, not a scientist. I have to trust my ears, and, unless I need to check for component compatibility, I never look at specs. In fact, I rarely see someone touting their amp's specs. Like you, I don't like analytical sound. I know people who utilize the TacT system. Everything is clearer, if you are sitting stone like in the sweet spot, but oh so forgettable. I'm surprised you employ a Sony, albeit your second system. I used one when I started; then someone brought over their tubed player. I went out and bought one the next day. Like you, I use tubes because they are more real sounding, call it air or whatever.