Greg: What I know about Jung could probably fit in a thimble, especially relative to what detlof knows. I know about achetypal awareness, that's about it. On law: barely escaped with my life! Don't let your children go there, to the void of narcissism and the alter of glorified self-interest, whatever you do! Not many lawyers know, from an experiential point of view, about archetypal awareness...
I'm guessin' 'ol Carl J. would be a tube-man...What do you think detlof?! (yes, that's chumming the waters...)
Yes, Albert is usually right, which is why I shamelessly drug him in here, having an idea what he'd say, knowing that the scientific ones would have difficulty shifting to personally attack him (knowing that was all strategically/cognitively left to them)given his demeanor and reputation on audiogon. On a personal level, I'm a much easier target (Stone the witch!!).
Thanks for the system compliment.
I'm guessin' 'ol Carl J. would be a tube-man...What do you think detlof?! (yes, that's chumming the waters...)
Yes, Albert is usually right, which is why I shamelessly drug him in here, having an idea what he'd say, knowing that the scientific ones would have difficulty shifting to personally attack him (knowing that was all strategically/cognitively left to them)given his demeanor and reputation on audiogon. On a personal level, I'm a much easier target (Stone the witch!!).
Thanks for the system compliment.