Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck

I recently chronicled in a review here, my experience with a very expensive interconnect. The cables cost nearly $7000 and are well beyond my reach. The issue is, the Pursit Dominus sound fantastic. Nothing in my stereo has ever sounded so good. I have been wondering during and since the review how much I would have to spend to get the same level of improvement. I'm sure I could double the value of my amp or switch to monoblocks of my own amps and not obtain this level of improvement.
So, in your opinion what is the better value, assuming the relative value of your componants being about equal? Is it cheaper to buy, great cables or great electronics? Then, which would provide the biggest improvement?
O heck, ASA and I thought I would bootleg the tape and show it to my students in CGJ studies. )-:
I know what Carl J. would say about "Muralman and me" (soon to be a major motion picture directed by Michael Moore): heys youz, lighten up on the mining of the bad guy archetype! Hey, detlof, a question: is the devil archetype embedded in the "sub-conscious" before the angel one, or after? In other words, does the devil only exist as a recoil from the loss of angelic bliss, or anticipation of loss, or were they imprinted at that evolutionary epoch, deep within the brain, deep within the consciousness, at the same time? And, what is the relationship between brain physiology - say, the triune brain theory - and the matter originations of archetypal awareness/effects of its prism? Have the matter-attached behaviorists tried to highjack Jung with a matter-focused brain matter theory? You see, I am thinking of jung.

Oh my GOD!!! Clueless, stop me!!
Asa, shouldn't they should coexist, the one taking precedence over the other through the fear of loss (Kant?) -- or the expectation of bliss (Feuerbach?)?
(Have I masked my ignorance of Jung well enough? I wish I were as assiduous as Detlof when the time was ripe...)

On topic: Psychic, you're not going to invest in an extruder now, are you? FORGET capital intensive projects nowadays... Just come up with the cable & price it @ $+10k. It'll be A'gon approved (that's our contribution) and there MUST be at least ONE taker -- surely. Word of mouth & you'll soon have a small but devoted following, ready to swear in your favour. THEN, we'll work out the Mk II model together; previous owners get a special "upgrade" number & price; new buyers are only admitted to the "wire purchasing club" (i.e. to spend their $11.767 - price has gone up) after being recommended by TWO other MkI owners. We'll issue a personalised card that allows access to the most esoteric information on music. Three tips per annum is max.
The objective is to build a small, select, ultra-elitist global community.
Of course, ALL our products are and will continue to be built by hand (who needs to spend a mill. on extruders & the like). We'll enlist the names of various members here on the management/product development team for marketing credibility reasons: a shrink (psycho-acoustics, VERY important): +5% on the asking price), an EE (obvious), philosophers (more than obvious; +5% on the price). Maybe, even a lazy middle-European (me, please).
Who can beat this cable?

On a more serious note, I wonder what would happen if Dominus were priced @ mass-market level: would the manufacturer be better off? I doubt it: imagine the investment required to cover the demand. I doubt they'd ever break-even, poor devils!
Greg, we just subcontract an extruder--and if it's in Mexico we'll discuss business at the 'restaurant' where my girlfriends work and we'll charge on the Visa (actually the charge says "Restaurant Bar Alvarado"--my kind of place). Get the point?

On a serious note, if the Purist was that essential for recording someone like Mapleshade or Chesky would be using it--then a more sensible marketing structure would follow...and someone true to the music would become an evangelist about the product--just like Kevin Barret is a 1200 evangelist.

The more I play with my newly arranged system the more I reallize how futile it is to keep upgrading. Truth is my system's limit is the recording I am playing. No amount of money will be able to compensate for that--especially with the music that I listen to. This I emailed to Sedond a few minutes ago:

"In my system, I've realized the new homebrew speaker wire is not limiting--it's the source components. I need to get a modded ART Di/O and properly damp my CDP's transport. My 1200 needs better cabling (cryo'ed)and proper burn-in. I need to get rid of that Sumiko headshell and just use the silver wires in the Technics headshell, which is *much* lighter. Then get the upgraded Power Supply for my Monolithic and have Dan Wright put a top of the line Burr Brown op amp and some high speed Shotsky rectifiers. That's what will really kick my system in--not a $700-800 interconnect. The Tice ICs will get LN2 cryo & TPT retreatment, bang for the $$$."

My mind is very clear.
Hey Psychic, why don't we hammer out the B-plan just in case there are takers... this is a crazy world, you know!