It is with extreme sorrow that I take upon myself the heavy burden of imparting the irreversibly sad news that Dr Jung is no longer with us...
It has been rumoured that he was a great admirer of Dr Goebbels aka the Ogilvy of pre-war advertising (or is it the other way round?).
As Detlof & another (old) teacher of mine both noted, Asa's two facets (dark & light) coexist usually as sides of the same coin.
The old teacher maintained that this situation is a dynamic paradox and will ineluctibly lead to one of the two taking precedence over the other. In his opinion, the devil is frustration, i.e., the force of destruction/negation. The "angel" is the mark of sublimation, the force of creation.
It seems Jung was fascinated by the Nazi (or maybe Mr Goebbels') ability to manipulate and focus collective negative energy. Deus ex machina, and then some.
So many things "seem". I suspect that Detlof *knows* a thing or two -- from experience & otherwise..
p.s. Pls don't mistake my comment as a judgement on other posters. My knowledge on this & many other subjects, ex post & ante, is insufficient to judge the posters above -- but it is enough to acknowledge my ignorance!
It has been rumoured that he was a great admirer of Dr Goebbels aka the Ogilvy of pre-war advertising (or is it the other way round?).
As Detlof & another (old) teacher of mine both noted, Asa's two facets (dark & light) coexist usually as sides of the same coin.
The old teacher maintained that this situation is a dynamic paradox and will ineluctibly lead to one of the two taking precedence over the other. In his opinion, the devil is frustration, i.e., the force of destruction/negation. The "angel" is the mark of sublimation, the force of creation.
It seems Jung was fascinated by the Nazi (or maybe Mr Goebbels') ability to manipulate and focus collective negative energy. Deus ex machina, and then some.
So many things "seem". I suspect that Detlof *knows* a thing or two -- from experience & otherwise..
p.s. Pls don't mistake my comment as a judgement on other posters. My knowledge on this & many other subjects, ex post & ante, is insufficient to judge the posters above -- but it is enough to acknowledge my ignorance!