Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck

I recently chronicled in a review here, my experience with a very expensive interconnect. The cables cost nearly $7000 and are well beyond my reach. The issue is, the Pursit Dominus sound fantastic. Nothing in my stereo has ever sounded so good. I have been wondering during and since the review how much I would have to spend to get the same level of improvement. I'm sure I could double the value of my amp or switch to monoblocks of my own amps and not obtain this level of improvement.
So, in your opinion what is the better value, assuming the relative value of your componants being about equal? Is it cheaper to buy, great cables or great electronics? Then, which would provide the biggest improvement?
Dear friends, having always felt a bit uneasy in using this space about discussions on Jung, I want to thank Nrchy and of course also Arnie for lending us their space. I've enjoyed the discussion immensely, learnt from it and felt in excellent company, but now I want to call it closed. Please contact me personally if more questions arise. I want to open a thread about a question which has bugged me for decades, namely what is the essence of musicality and why is it, that music does to us, what it does. In fact, what does it and why. The question became even more burning, as I pondered the reason, why Carl Jung obviously so had to shy away from this experience. I sincerely hope, you will join me in this thread and give me food for thought. Bless Ya All and thanks! Detlof
6ch: I guess I don't understand how you can respond to me with a smiley face, and then, once you've had a day to let your mind go over it, come back with a response that's not so smiley. Who needs the mirror?

An enlightened being not interested in what others say (all thought presented in dialogue is "opinion", but need not be judgement) and taking a day to work himself up just to say he's not going to say anything. Hmmm.

6ch, you want to be the "Zen Master" you've read so much about. If you can't be that, then you quit. Its your mirror.

Thank you all, you too 6ch.

Clueless, sorry that you couldn't respond to my olive branch. Try not to save that feeling for the next thread.

Important News Flash!
Price breakthrough on synchronicity

(And I said I wouldn't be back.)
Given the depth and intensity of the discussion here I felt none of you would want to miss out on this one of kind deal on a Jungian Synchronicity Machine.

The instructions clearly provide at Usage e:
"Leave your Wishing Machine running. In a few days or weeks you should start seeing synchronicities coming into your life."

Synchronicity Central

Holy Psychotronic Psionics Psionic!!!!

All this on 3 AAA batteries! I'm wondering what if I use a dedicated power supply with some of those Pursit Dominus cables Narchy talks about? I can have my life together in no time!

Maybe I can get a group deal on some treated ones!

Detlof, even with the upgrades I think the price is cheaper than the therapy you suggested for me.

Lets not get in a bidding war eh!

Asa. Contrary to popular belief I do leave my computer once in while. I have to see the branch before I can grab it.
I had the chance to see David Liebman blow his sax last night w/ very small crowd (35) totally acoustic. Kept me out late. very nice.


I remain
I am glad that a new normality has returned. Clueless remains (clueless -- not adieu), Asa: are the waters are dark because I made them so & you believed me?
Detlof: I have not yet grasped knowledge allowing me to append a comment -- however frivolous.

I believe that Nrchy & 6 would agree with -- only would have put it better than I.