Gregm: on normality, waves rise, waves fall into troughs; challenge of assumptions rises, challenge subsides. Could this "normality" - the calm trough we are now in, closer in understanding - have existed without the rising? 6ch is right, there are many ways to cut a chicken, and although it would not be my chosen metaphor, both ways are part of the rising; as I said to clueless, we are all part of the wave, both up and down.
Do I get caught up in darkness? Yes, I still do. Each wave of a person's "development" involves rises and troughs. Each trough, so to speak, has its own pathologies, its own uncovered dark seed of karma, ever darker as you proceed into your own past and the collective past of all within all. People think, or like to imagine, that its a continuous blissful ascendancy, and yes there is bliss, but when the attachment to wherevever you are - and there are attachments all along the way - is seen as an illusion there is then the next desert before the next arisement. There are many deserts and during those times (and for me, this time is one of them) the darkness can catch me, pull me in before I see it, see that it is only me forgetting where I am. I am not at a "place" that is beyond levels; that is the non-dual ground of all levels. Not in a stable way. OK?
We have learned here, all of us, and sometimes there is tension with that. But I think we all meet here because we share an appreciation for a certain reflection of beauty we call "music". That coming-together is always stronger than the pulling-apart; the rising is never apart from the falling.