Speaker Cables? Your input kindly requested.

I am upgrading my system, its the speaker cables turn.

Source: Sony dvpns900v
Preamp: Rotel rsp-976
Amp: Bryston 4b-st
Speakers: B&W cdm9nt
Interconnects: Transparent musiclink 100s

I have just listed the 2 channel components, it is my primary concern. This setup is part of a 5.1 system. I listen to 90% 2 channel, 10% movies.

Anywho, I am using Transparent Wave 100 speaker cables (non-biwire). By my taste, the sound is a bit harsh, or maybe forward, in the upper mid.

I want to upgrade my speaker cables(probably to bi-wire).....any suggestions???

As you can probably tell from the equipment, I am budget restricted, say maybe $500.00.
Here's a great place to get speaker wire and patch

Try Stealth audio cables. PGS is very soft lay back sound. Your problem is definitely not on the speaker wires. I have Transparent music wave super. It's very smooth and warm sounding cable.
Thanks again for all the info.

8-12 feet will do, so not a really long run.

The dh labs q-10 looks really interesting, but alas I have no dealer close by.

After speaker cables I intend to buy a Tranparent musiclink SUPER to replace a musiclink 100, also I am very close to convincing myself to try an inexpesive Cardas IC just to check it out, again no dealer nearby.

I have also considered buying another speaker cable (same length and non bi-wire) to run shotgun with my existing cables (transparent wave 100).

Any thoughts on this?

I am somewhat inclined to believe that using the same cable, at least brand, for highs and lows is best. Your thoughts and experience are appreciated on this topic.
Don't bother with transparant MW Super interconnect. Just to clearify, I have the MW Supwer SPEAKER CABLE not interconnect because the interconnect is dark and muddy to my system.