Newbee, this is precisely the sort of thing the Sumiko Celebration was designed to address, with its elliptical stylus, and reportedly there is no shortfall of detail, at least at this price point, the implication in many of the reviews that it rates as highly as the best there is, period (because it performs optimally with minimal set-up, thus maximizing its potential). The high-end needs more of this sort of thinking, as the masochism factor is already very high. For this reason I am considering buying one, as I used to own a similar wooden-bodied MC, the legendary Kiseki Purpleheart Sapphire, which used some sort of line-contact stylus profile which wasn't so demanding, and yet was extremely detailed. And, your procupine quill idea isn't so bad...when do you start production?
And Bublitchky, I like your idea for remote-controlled VTA: couldn't you make the adjustment automatic so that once the VTA error is detected it could automatically be compensated for without the need for a remote control? You'd save on batteries! When it's ready, sign me up!
And Bublitchky, I like your idea for remote-controlled VTA: couldn't you make the adjustment automatic so that once the VTA error is detected it could automatically be compensated for without the need for a remote control? You'd save on batteries! When it's ready, sign me up!