My limited experience with Nordost speaker cables echo the experiences of Philjolet. To make that clear, I've never tried their interconnects.
Their speaker cables came across as being fast and lean sounding but lack liquidity and warmth in the systems that i've tried them in. In my experience, this directly affects "musicality" or "pace" in a negative manner even though the sound is very clean, crisp and detailed. These cables tend to highlight the leading edge of transients, making things sound very "sharp" or "focused". If you've already got a system that is running on the verge of being "etched" or "brittle", these cables would probably put it over the edge.
If one had a slow sounding system that was warm and mushy, installing a set of Nordost's might be the perfect compliment. While this is not meant to be a slag towards tube gear, owners of such gear or say that all tube based systems sound "slow and fat", i find that many tube based systems work very well with Nordost products. The tube "bloom" helps to fill out the noticeably lean mid-bass or "warmth" region that the Nordost seems to be lacking while the Nordost increases the apparent speed of the tubes as frequency climbs. In effect, you have what is known as a "complimentary colouraton".
While we may talk of trying to achieve "neutrality" and NOT using cables as "tone controls", EVERY product that goes into your system has some characteristic that it brings with it. As such, you might was well install products that compliment each other or help you to achieve the results that you are looking for. With that in mind, using components that are HEAVILY "flavoured" will only lower total resolution as far as i'm concerned and make it harder to achieve a good system match in the long run.
Having said that and believing that cables can be very system dependent, i've only ever run across one brand of speaker cables that i could find no suitable use for within the confines of ANY system. Those cables were not Nordost. As such, all you can do is try a cable ( Nordost or any other brand ) within the confines of your system and see if you like the results. Sean
Their speaker cables came across as being fast and lean sounding but lack liquidity and warmth in the systems that i've tried them in. In my experience, this directly affects "musicality" or "pace" in a negative manner even though the sound is very clean, crisp and detailed. These cables tend to highlight the leading edge of transients, making things sound very "sharp" or "focused". If you've already got a system that is running on the verge of being "etched" or "brittle", these cables would probably put it over the edge.
If one had a slow sounding system that was warm and mushy, installing a set of Nordost's might be the perfect compliment. While this is not meant to be a slag towards tube gear, owners of such gear or say that all tube based systems sound "slow and fat", i find that many tube based systems work very well with Nordost products. The tube "bloom" helps to fill out the noticeably lean mid-bass or "warmth" region that the Nordost seems to be lacking while the Nordost increases the apparent speed of the tubes as frequency climbs. In effect, you have what is known as a "complimentary colouraton".
While we may talk of trying to achieve "neutrality" and NOT using cables as "tone controls", EVERY product that goes into your system has some characteristic that it brings with it. As such, you might was well install products that compliment each other or help you to achieve the results that you are looking for. With that in mind, using components that are HEAVILY "flavoured" will only lower total resolution as far as i'm concerned and make it harder to achieve a good system match in the long run.
Having said that and believing that cables can be very system dependent, i've only ever run across one brand of speaker cables that i could find no suitable use for within the confines of ANY system. Those cables were not Nordost. As such, all you can do is try a cable ( Nordost or any other brand ) within the confines of your system and see if you like the results. Sean