Are Nordost really the Rolls Royce of cables?

Ive never heard them. Thanks.
Sean - Here are some exerpts from the Stereophile Nov 2001 review:

"It was immediately apparent that the Valhalla (IC's)had a slight but distinct tonal signature." and "the slight lack of warmth and weight, combined with the air and treble extension, did give the Valhallas a distinct character".

They were short of calling them the very best, instead calling them "some of the very best". They did call them sensational.
Since when did anything in Stereopile, bought and paid for reviews have any relevence.
Asa: Your post summed up my thoughts and experiences with Nordost to a "t". Thank you for putting my thoughts / feelings into print.

Tubegroover: Drop me an email when you get a chance.

Audioengr: Thanks for posting the comments from Stereophile. There findings also tend to support my previous comments i.e. that i found the Nordost's to be fast, lean and detailed but lacking in warmth and body. They are somewhat bright, almost to the point of being etched or glaring, but not quite. I do have to say that even with the tonal balance that they offered within one of my systems, i did not have any problems with sibilance. Nor did i have the sense of "liquidity", "musicality", "pace" or "air" and harmonic structure that i've gotten with other cables and that is what i missed the most. In some ways, i wish i could combine the copper Goertz with the Nordost's. The Nordost's have the speed that i like but the Goertz have almost all of the other attributes that i like. Maybe i need to try some Goertz AG series speaker cables. Then again, i think i know what you would suggest for me : ) Sean
Take a look at this ad. I don't think that this person planned on buying a "Rolls Royce" and then selling it at a 45% loss some 40 days later. System incompatability or not, that is a quick and hard lesson to learn. Sean