Perpetual vs EVS millenium II for CAL

I own a CAL CL-10. Has anyone compared the new millenium II with the P-3? Would it be better to just upgrade the CL-10? I have a Mesa Baron tube amp and Transcendent GG pre. Good sound but I have been told that the new DAC's could give me a substantial improvement ie- more detail, deeper soundstage. I've also heard that a transport and DAC loses 10 % of the signal and that it's better to mod the actual CDP. Also- how about the Wright mods to the Perpetual compared to the Millenium II?-- I know- alot of questions- Thanks in advance for your opinions
Don't overlook the Assemblage 2.7 line in your search. In its upgraded versions, it's a formidable DAC at that price point. I've never heard the 10% loss theory before. With today's low jitter transports and DAC receiver sections, I find that a surprising proposition.
I too have been listening to the Millennium II. The system that i put it into was stone cold and had not been used in a week or two, so EVERYTHING is warming up. So far, it does sound pretty good for coming right out of the box.

As a side note, Ric Schultz ( builder of the Millennium ) specifically states that a Sony with SACD capability (can't remember the model ) that runs about $1100 coupled with his mods ( about $3 - 400 ) is pretty much untouchable for the money. This gives you a one box player for appr $1500 that should be pretty awesome. Sean
This would be the 9000 es,i have been on a list waiting to get mine modded for a couple months now.