Power Conditioners - Best Set-Up

I'm considering a power conditioner for my system and have read alot of threads about them. However, I'm confused as
to which parts of the sound system would benefit. Several folks have said that the amp, with its big transformer, gets very little benefit. So is a power conditioner best for source components? How about pre-amps?

Some background info:

I have a dedicated line and am using a tube amp and pre-amp. I've heard great things about AudioPrism's Power Foundation and Shunyata Research Hydra power conditioners.

Careful with "audio grade" filter products...be very careful. Not that I don't use them, but the ones I use were so good the manufacturer stopped making them. Even more, they'll deny they made them since they're way superior to what they currently produce.

Buscis got the basics right. Now, powering amps via regenerators (full or partial) is rather challenging. I have a 10 amp medical grade Elgar regenerator and I made a test--plugged in my little Makita hole shooter (just that). Starting it took the current needle almost to 10 amperes! The internal wiring is not as beefy as it should be, either. We're talking about a 70+ lb device...

I separate this subject in four areas:

1) Power delivery
2) Power filtration
3) Preventing cross contamination of filtered power
4) Not ruining the music in the process

So, Buscis and I have very similar viewpoints on how to do this. However, I did not get good feedback from the Exact Power. Someone I trust used it and got rid of it. Said it was harsh and unmusical.
Psychicanimal, the feed back you received was pretty accurate. The first couple of weeks with the EP-15 SUCKED. However, I contacted Exactpower and discussed this with them. I told them I felt the sound was very hard, very unnatural sounding. Leading edge transients made me grit my teeth. Music took on a very "mechanical" sound.

Exact responded by telling me that they recommended 400 hours of break-in time. I reluctantly agreed to keep the unit and continue the long break-in period. They were right. The unit seemed to settle in and become significantly smoother. I then scrapped the stock power cord and replaced it with an LAT AC-2, which I use on the rest of my components. Another major leap forward.

You know, I firmly feel that you really don't recognize the benefits of something until you REMOVE it from a system. After removing the EP from the system, it became immediately apparent that I was using an integrated amp (and YBA by no means is an inferior quality integrated). On loud passages, the soudstage would collapse, the music would become "homogenized" losing all definition.

Reinstalling the EP was like bolting a set of turbochargers on the amp. Loud, dynamic passages became effortless for the amp to reproduce. The soundstage would remain rock solid and stable. The EP really made a major difference.

Exactpower is on the ground floor with the EP. I feel that they are absolutely heading in the right direction. I also feel that PS Audio units do a great job, if, you don't mind pissing half of the power away in just operating the actual unit itself. That to me, does not make a lot of sense.

In the very near future Exact will be releasing a 20 amp EP unit. They will also be releasing a new style SP unit which will provide total isolation from one receptacle to another, star grounding schemes, analog and digital filtering , and balanced power. Is it perfect? NO. But, I think that of all the manufacturers out there, they are getting a very accurate picture of what the audiophile requires, and are addressing it accordingly.

Do I think it's the best out there at this point in time? Well, let's just say I think it is a unit of minimum compromise. And so far, every form of power conditioning has required compromise in one form or another.

I think if we give these boys at EP some time, they may very well have a "giant killer".
Lrm1ajf, I beg to differ with you, BUT to each their own. If you think just by having a dedicated circuit that your not going to benefit from a balanced power conditioner, you so, so wrong.And if you tink you got clean power on a dedicted circuit, your wrong again. I wish you the best of luck on your research, sorry I couldn`t be of any help. Regards, Robin
I do have a 60A dedicated line for my setup, I still need a pair of isolated transformers to clean up all those mains garbage. I am also searching for an additional power filter. Recently, I've tried the Combak ALS-777. It is marvellous. Every piece of musical instructment is picking back to its right position. I am going to get one soon.