Sell or keep my Turntable

I have a Rega Planar 3 with RB300 tonearm and Linn K9 cartridge I purchased in 1988. I used it that summer and with a few exceptions it has not seen much use. I just find using CD more convenient. I have 150 records and will probably get back into them at sometime in my life but the Rega just sits boxed in the basement.

I'm contemplating selling it to use the funds in my current system.

Have you sold your TT and later regretted it?

Are current TT's that much better so I should sell the Rega and buy a TT if I happen to get back into vinyl someday?

If I decide to sell the Rega what would be a reasonable asking price?

Thanks - Jack
My philosophy with audio equipment and all other things- sell (or give) what you are not using now to someone who can enjoy it now.

There will always be another available later.
I'll take your albums off your hands. Evil me.
No, don't sell! Don't sell. I feel better now.
